Do you need an oil filter for improving your oil cleanliness?
No problem, you can probably find a filter supplier on every corner nowadays.
But what’s the point if you do not know if that filter will keep your lubricants clean?
Triple R differentiates itself from all other filter suppliers by guaranteeing PERFECTLY CLEAN OIL!
Triple R does not sell oil filters, but CLEAN OIL. No falls promises, only guaranteed results.
Whatever the application, whatever the contamination level, whit a Triple R bypass oil cleaner you can rest assured that you buy a solution for your contamination problem
Over 40 of experience and continuous R&D made Triple R to be thé reference when it comes to bypass oil filtration.
All TRIPLE R filter elements are tested according to the Multipass Test ISO 4572.
Meaning that every µ-rating and beta value we state, results from extensive testing performed by an official and certified Multipass Test Laboratory.
Our µ-ratings are always ABSOLUTE (beta x > 75) and never an “irrelevant” NOMINAL value.
Be cautious of counterfeit and untruthful bypass filter manufacturers/suppliers claiming absurd 0,1 µ filter ratings, 2kg of particle and 2 liters of water absorption capacities! It can save you a lot of trouble afterwards.

Cut operation costs by keeping lubricating oils and hydraulic fluids free of contaminants
Keep the liquid clean in the war of friction
70% of failures in hydraulic equipments is because of contamination